Sunday, September 5, 2010


I experienced the deaths of  a young friend and a colleague this past week. I also spent time with my Aunt who is in a nursing home.  Active alive, busy and engaged in life one minute, gone or stuck in a place that is depressing the next. These events show how precious life is.

Contemplate the lyrics of this song I wrote.

Take time, say I love you
Take time, be a friend
Take time, call a loved one
Take time, watch the rising sun

Rushing gets us no where real fast
Live in the moment, right here right now

Slow down, show you care
Slow down, just be there
Slow down, dream of what's to come
Slow down, watch a squirrel run

Rushing gets us no where real fast
Live in the moment, right here right now

With pause, look at nature
With pause, go for a walk
With pause, listen for silence
With pause, watch the leaves fall

Rushing gets us no where real fast
Live in the moment, right here right now

Take time, say a prayer
Take time, feel the air
Take Time, dream of what's to come
Take time, watch the setting sun

Rushing gets us no where real fast
Live in the moment, right here right now

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